09/09/18 A Treasure to God

READING: Daniel 10

“You are a man treasured by God.”

Daniel 10:11

Yesterday we read of God’s answering Daniel’s prayer for understanding, but doing so in a miraculous way – He sent angels to defeat the Prince of Persia in order to get the answer to Daniel. What I frankly had not caught before were the angel’s words to Daniel as he explained what had caused the delay. He not only explained the cosmic battle to Daniel, but he also gave him these words:

  • “Daniel, you are a man treasured by God.” (Dan. 10:11)
  • “Don’t be afraid, you who are treasured by God. Peace to you; be very strong!”(Dan. 10:19)

Twice, the angel said to Daniel, “You are a man who is highly esteemed, a man who is precious to God.” He was a man in whom God took great delight, and that repeated knowledge to Daniel must have been significant to him in his fear. I can only imagine how many times Daniel might have needed to remember those words: “God treasures you.”

So I must remember those words today, too. No matter what I face . . . no matter if it feels like I am alone . . . no matter how big the enemy seems . . . no matter how frightened I may be, God still loves me. I may not be a prophet like Daniel, but I’m still precious to God. That truth ought to change everything today. 


  • Take some time to listen to this well-known song: “Jesus Love Me.”
  • Rest in the truth that God treasures you today.

PRAYER: “God, thank You for loving me.”      

TOMORROW’S READING: Ezra 1-3, 2 Chronicles 36:22-23

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