03/07/19 Pride and Self-Sufficiency

READING: Numbers 16-17, Mark 9:30-50

There’s much in this story that makes me almost laugh if it weren’t so tragic. It falls soon after the disciples of Jesus failed miserably in casting out a demon. They discouraged a desperate father and frustrated Jesus for being an unbelieving generation. Their self-dependence, prayerlessness, and faithlessness had led to their failure – but still they argued soon thereafter about which one was the greatest in the kingdom: “When he was in the house, he asked them, ‘What were you arguing about on the way?’ But they were silent, because on the way they had been arguing with one another about who was the greatest” (Mark 9:33-34).

You’d think they would know that they have little reason to argue about greatness, but they seem to have ignored their exorcism failure. Then, we also learn that they seemingly thought their silence in response to Jesus’ question meant He wouldn’t know what they were discussing. Not only was He the Son of God, but His question itself also implies that He knew their topic. Their lack of response would not let them off the hook.

When we think we’re something, and we also apparently forget who Jesus is, we’re headed for trouble.

PRAYER: “God, remind me that only You are great.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Numbers 18-20, Mark 10:1-31








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