READING: Proverbs 14-15, 2 Corinthians 7:2-8:15
Maybe you can remember seeing people when they first become believers, and the power of grace is evident on their face. Or, perhaps you’ve seen believers who just faithfully walk with God over the years, and they trust Him without question. In both cases, their eyes light up. Their lips smile. Their countenance is radiant. It’s as if they live on a mountain they never want to come down.
On the other hand, you’ve probably also seen others whose face gave evidence of heartache and burden. Even if they wanted to show joy, the pain of their heart is so deep that their face refuses to betray their feelings. The weight of whatever they’re facing is evident in their eyes, and their countenance is heavy. You wish you could simply grant them peace.
The writer of Proverbs recognized that our face at times shows our heart: “A joyful heart makes a face cheerful, but a sad heart produces a broken spirit” (Prov 15:13). As believers, our goal ought to be that (1) we’re ever aware of those around us whose faces seem to show pain; (2) we might in faith experience trusting joy even when life is difficult; and (3) our own Christian joy might be infectious, catching the attention of others whose own hearts are hurting. May the good news of Christ refresh our souls today so others might see our “bright eyes” (Prov 15:30).
PRAYER: “God, give me a cheerful heart today.”
TOMORROW’S READING: Proverbs 16-18, 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:15