02/04/20 Don’t Give Up

READING: Exodus 4-6, Galatians 6

It would be so easy at times to give up on Christianity and ministry. No matter how strongly we strive to serve God faithfully, it seems somebody’s always disappointed. Some complainers continue in their opposition as long as they can breathe. Sometimes, we faithfully pray about something, but it feels like God isn’t listening. Some might ask, “What’s the point of following Christ if you’re always struggling?” Recurrently, there are false teachers seeking to lead people astray. It just gets wearisome some days.

Paul recognized that the Galatian believers, too, faced spiritual fatigue – and he challenged them to “not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up” (Gal 6:9). He did not want them to quit; instead, he reminded them that the day of reaping reward would come in God’s timing. His calendar and clock would always be right, and the Galatian believers were simply to keep doing good in the meantime. Reaping would come, but only following God’s plan.

I’m weary today, so I needed to hear again these words. I cannot give up no matter how tired I get. Instead, I  must trust my Savior, Redeemer, and King—and intentionally press on in the power of God!

PRAYER: “Lord, I don’t want to grow weary in doing good. Help me to do it all for Your glory—not mine .”

TOMORROW’S READING: Exodus 7-9, Psalm 105, Ephesians 1

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