03/06/20 Prisoners

READING: Numbers 6-7, Hebrews 13

I confess that I didn’t like the idea when I first heard it. A friend who led a prison ministry in Kentucky asked me to teach a class in a local prison—and he actually signed me up before I had agreed to do it! I felt obligated at that point, so I begrudgingly made my way to the first class. Several years later, I was still teaching in that program. And, today, I’ve also taught in a local prison program affiliated with Southeastern Seminary, where I currently teach. I’ve found the inmates to be strong students who have a deep desire to learn and grow. 

I must admit, though, that I don’t think often enough about the prisoners the writer of Hebrews was most likely thinking about in Hebrews 13:3—believers who are imprisoned for their faith. Just like I don’t always consider the plight of imprisoned believers around the world, I suspect the early church needed reminders to pray for brothers and sisters in prison. Hebrews 10:32-34 suggests the believers had previously ministered to prisoners and suffered alongside them, but it surely is easy to forget those who are, as the common saying goes, “out of sight, out of mind.”

Today, I commit to pray throughout the day for believers around the world who are behind bars because they’ve stood faithful for Christ. I invite you to join me.

PRAYER: “Father, I commit to praying today for imprisoned believers around the world. Keep them ever before me today.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Weekend is for catch-up and review





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