10 Practical Ways to Celebrate Easter This Year

NOTE: This post is about the next holiday on our calendar: Easter. If you’re a pastor interested in sermon outlines for holidays and special occasions, check out this new $5 ebook, Sermon Starters: Outlines for Every Holiday & Occasion, available at Church Answers. 

In a little more than a week, believers around the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. As you lead your church to celebrate Easter this year, think about these practical ways to celebrate the holiday:

  1. Recommit yourself to follow Christ. If ever there were a time of renewal, it’s Easter. Re-engage in your spiritual disciplines. Walk away from that sin. Recommit to the Savior. 
  2. Reach out to someone who’s likely been in the house for the last year. Most of us know somebody like that—and a simple phone call might bring new joy and hope to that person. 
  3. Start Easter family traditions. Read the Easter story on Sunday morning. Use old photographs to remember loved ones and talk about the importance of resurrection hope. Bake Easter cookies for your neighbors. 
  4. Send Easter cards, an Easter letter, or an Easter email. Send a resurrection card to everyone on your Christmas card list. If you send an Easter family letter or email, be sure to write about the hope you have in Christ.
  5. Reach out to others who buried a loved one in the past year. The holidays are often especially difficult as families find themselves alone. This Easter, call one of those families and pray with them. 
  6. Tune in to online services that point toward Easter, e.g., Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, sunrise. With COVID still an issue, these options will likely remain this year.  
  7. Learn about and pray for a people group who know nothing about Jesus’ resurrection. Study one of these people groups at www.joshuaproject.net, teach your children about them, and then pray they will hear the Easter story.
  8. Tell somebody what Jesus means in your life. Maybe you can approach someone this way: “I know a lot of folks think about going to church on Easter. May I have five minutes to tell you why this holiday is so important to me?” 
  9. Write a thank you note to someone who models overcoming faith. Easter is about celebrating victory – so honor God by celebrating what He’s done through someone else’s life.
  10. Don’t give up. Whatever you’re facing is not bigger than the God who defeated death. Don’t give up – the God of resurrection is alive.

In what other practical ways do you or your church celebrate Easter?

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