
I’m not writing anything unique today—just celebrating. Because I’ve shared with you, my faithful readers, about my mom’s recent conversion, I wanted you to see a picture taken at her baptism yesterday. 

To see the joy on my mom’s face was one of the greatest blessings of my life. I wish you could know the incredible peace the Lord has given her at 79 years of age, the excitement she has in her voice, and the story she tells of meeting the Lord personally. Seldom have I seen the transforming power of God’s grace so present. 

In the background is my younger brother, a church planter and pastor in Ohio. The Lord saved him out his own addictions, and I’m amazed by his trust and faith every time I get to hang out with him—which isn’t nearly as often as I would like. He, too, is a trophy of God’s grace. 

Here’s what I continue to learn: when you pray for years (decades, even), the intercession can become wearisome—but when God finally answers your prayers, nobody worries about the delay anymore! When somebody’s eternity is changed, everything else feels really temporary . . . 


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