9 Questions You’ll Need to Answer if God Sends Revival to Your Church

Many believers I know want God to do something mighty in their church. I’m grateful for that fact. On the other hand, I’m not sure most churches are ready for that to happen. Here are some questions your church (and mine) will need to answer if God sends His glory our way:

  1. Will you be surprised when it happens—simply because you’ve not been praying that way? I affirm again that many believers want God to do something, but I’m not sure we’re asking for it. 
  2. Are you ready for your personal sin to be revealed? After all, that’s what happens when God shows up in a powerful way. You can’t experience Him without seeing your sin.
  3. Will your church be prepared to disciple those new believers God sends to you? If you’re not ready for that kind of growth, you shouldn’t expect God to send it. 
  4. Are you prepared to welcome a bunch of new members – even if they outnumber the current leadership in the church? Too often, we put parameters on “acceptable” growth; that is, we welcome growth as long as it doesn’t threaten our positions or our power. 
  5. Will you willingly deal with the messy lives God brings your way? If revival comes, you’ll reach people who’ve acted differently, thought differently, talked differently, and lived differently than believers. You’ll have to walk with them as they repent and grow. 
  6. Will you rejoice if God does something outside the norm in your church—something not already scheduled in your worship bulletin? I don’t know what that different “something” might be, but I do know revival is beyond the norm. 
  7. Are you prepared to tell others, beginning with your loved ones, about Jesus no matter the cost? Genuine revival makes us all evangelists. 
  8. Are you ready to move to multiple services, to send out church planters, to release your best members, etc., when God sends growth? God doesn’t send revival so we can hoard the growth and build our own kingdoms; He revives us so others might then hear the gospel. 
  9. Would you prefer simply to rest in the status quo at your church? Especially after this past crazy year of COVID, all of us must answer this question. 

What are your responses to your questions? 

1 Comment

  • Sheri Tourtellotte says:

    These are all great questions. I believe the answer should be yes to all. Isn’t that why God saved us and empowered us with his hole spirit. We are meant to go out and make disciples of all nations and not just sit in our comfort zone. The church has been doing that for to long. I have done that for to long.

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