06/07/21 For Our Sake

READING: 2 Kings 13-15, John 10:22-11:16

He would answer the prayers of Mary and Martha for their sick brother, but He would do it in ways surely unexpected to them. They had sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was not well, but Jesus took His time getting there. Indeed, He didn’t arrive until after Lazarus had already died and been buried—until after the possibility of healing seemingly had passed. If we stop the reading with today’s New Testament text, this story ends in tragedy. We know better because we know the rest of the story, but the “rest of the story” is in tomorrow’s reading. 

For today, we must not miss Jesus’s explanation of His delay. Somehow, God would get the glory, for this sickness would not ultimately end in death (John 11:4). Then, even His disciples would experience strengthened faith. Jesus was, in fact, glad He did not arrive prior to when He did. He had new plans, unique plans . . . right plans. They just would not be the plans others assumed He would follow. 

It’s good today for us to remember this truth: God may not always answer our prayers the way we want, but He does always answer rightly. He does what He does for His glory and for our sake. 

PRAYER: “God, grant me grace to trust You even when You seem to delay Your response.”   

DAILY ACTION STEP:  Don’t get stressed today when God hasn’t yet answered Your prayer.    

TOMORROW’S READING: 2 Kings 16-18, John 11:17-57

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