In the past via this blog, I’ve suggested books on prayer, spiritual warfare, and preaching. As I look back over 40 years of pastoral ministry, however, I’m reminded of these books that have been helpful to me in different seasons of life:
- Criswell’s Guidebook for Pastors (1980), by W.A. Criswell. This book by the long-term pastor of First Baptist, Dallas, is dated now (as am I, I suppose . . .), but it was a helpful tool to a 20-year-old pastor.
- Lectures to My Students (1954), by Charles Spurgeon. There’s so much in this book it’s difficult to state how much I’ve appreciated it over the years. I still turn to it for guidance and inspiration.
- Master Plan of Evangelism (1963), by Robert Coleman. I wish I had read this book at the beginning of my ministry, as it would have changed the way I made disciples in my first church. My strong interest in mentoring today began with a conversation with Dr. Coleman in the middle 1990s.
- They Smell Like Sheep (1997), by Lynn Anderson. This many years later, I have never forgotten the first time I read these words: “A shepherd smells like sheep” (italics in original). I needed then to know I could not lead a flock I didn’t know well.
- Jesus Driven Ministry (2002), by Ajith Fernando. A friend recommended this book for pastors, but I found it challenging and convicting for all Christian leaders. It forced me to ask where I might be neglecting my own spiritual growth and development.
- On Being a Pastor (2004) by Derek Prime and Alistair Begg. I read this book as a resource for students after I began teaching, and I found myself continually challenged by the incredible call to be an under-shepherd.
- Dangerous Calling (2012), by Paul David Tripp. As a student of spiritual warfare, I originally purchased this book because it has a chapter on “war zones” of ministry, but the section on “The Danger of Arrival” forced me to look deeply into myself as a minister.
Pastors, what books over the years have been helpful to you?
Liberating Ministry From The Success Syndrome (Hughes)
Faithful Leaders (Tice)
Spiritual Leadership (Sanders), Brothers, We Are Not Professionals (Piper)
Let The Nations Be Glad (Piper), Evangelism and. the Sovereignty of God (Packer), The Pursuit of Holiness (Bridges), Pursuit of God (Tozer), Holiness (JC Ryle).