07/07/21 Just Like Other Gods?

READING: 2 Chronicles 31-33, Acts 8:9-40

I almost bristled as I read today’s Old Testament passage about Sennacherib and his officers threatening to attack Jerusalem. He and they ridiculed not only King Hezekiah but even more significantly—Hezekiah’s God. Their words are almost hard to believe, actually. 

They were certain the God of the Hebrews was no more powerful than all the other gods they had previously defeated. No other god had been able to protect his own people from the Assyrians, and surely Hezekiah’s God would be no more successful. In their minds, He was, after all, no different than other gods made with human hands. 

The true God, of course, proved them wrong as He sent a judging angel upon the Assyrians. What Hezekiah had said was thus proven right: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him” (2 Chron 32:7). This same God is with us, too.  

PRAYER: “God, I praise You for being the only true God. You are all-powerful.”   

DAILY ACTION STEP:  Meditate on the power of God today. Be amazed. 

TOMORROW’S READING:  2 Chronicles 34-36, Acts 9:1-22

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