09/07/21 Gracious, Faithful Love

READING: Psalms 106-108, 1 Corinthians 9

Grace reverberates throughout today’s Old Testament reading. Psalm 106, for example, is an ongoing reminder of the rebellion of God’s people, evidenced by the verbs of disobedience: they sinned, have done wrong, have acted wickedly, rebelled, forgot His works, would not wait for His counsel, tested Him, made a calf, forgot God their Savior, despised the land, grumbled, aligned themselves with Baal, served idols, sacrificed their own children, and defiled themselves. Just reading that list makes you wonder why God would love them. 

Still, He did. He chose to keep His covenant with them, and He rescued them from their distress when they cried out to Him. He heard their cries over their rebellion. It’s no wonder, then, the psalmist describes God’s love as faithfully enduring forever, higher than the heavens. Again today, all we can say is “hallelujah!”  

PRAYER: “God, I praise You for Your faithful love and Your wondrous works.” 

DAILY ACTION STEP:  Think today about how much God has forgiven you even when you seem to have forgotten Him.   

TOMORROW’S READING: Psalms 109-112, 1 Corinthians 10:1-22

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