12/10/21 God’s Hand

READING: Daniel 1-2, 1 John 4:7-5:21

The sovereign working of God is quite incredible. I think, for example, of the events surrounding my conversion experience. As a 12-year-old brat, I was rude toward my parents when they told me we would be moving neighborhoods – but it was that move that led to my meeting the 7th grade friend who shared the gospel with me. Actually, we moved to a home with a Baptist deacon living on one side of us and a Baptist church secretary and her family living behind us. Until I could drive, those folks became my ride to church. And, it was in their church that I would later meet our student pastor, who would even later pave the way for me to begin ministry as a pastor. I’m grateful indeed for God’s guiding and orchestrating hand. 

Today, I read these words about Daniel as he and others were in captivity in Babylon: “God had granted Daniel kindness and compassion from the chief eunuch [likely, a court leader among other officials]” (Dan 1:3). God worked in the heart of the pagan official to give Daniel favor, and we still turn to Daniel’s story to find encouragement and faith. Daniel walked faithfully with God, and God worked through Him to approach the leader in such a way that he recognized something unique in Daniel’s faith. It was all under God’s sovereign control. 

God’s hand. In our lives. It’s just amazing. 

PRAYER: “Thank You, Lord, for the way You move hearts to accomplish Your plan.”     

DAILY ACTION STEP: Spend some time today reviewing God’s hand in your life over the years.     

TOMORROW’S READING:  Weekend is for catch-up and review

MONDAY’S READING: Daniel 3-5, 2 John, 3 John 

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