Just One Conversation

It was just one conversation. At a restaurant. During dinner. The whole thing lasted no longer than an hour. 

But, it changed my life. 

The dinner was with Dr. Robert Coleman, author of the best-selling book, The Master Plan of Evangelism. Dr. Coleman wrote that book after studying the gospel accounts of how Jesus made disciples. Having done that study, Dr. Coleman began investing in the next generation of students he was teaching – and he has continued to invest in others since then. Even last year, he joined my Personal Discipleship and Disciplemaking class via Zoom, and he told us about men with whom he still meets weekly – and he’s in his 90s! 

In that dinner, Dr. Coleman (who had a student traveling with him even then) challenged me: “Chuck, if you want your ministry to extend beyond you, start making disciples like Jesus did. Find some young men and invest in them.” 

I knew I had heard from a hero of the faith, so I took to heart his challenge. Now in my 25th year of teaching, I can think of young people I’ve invested in who are now serving the Lord around the world. A few of them are on a missionary team I lead, and I delight in watching the Lord use them to do things far greater than I’ve ever done. 

And, it all started with just one conversation. 

Just a few words, actually. 

Today, I challenge you: use your conversations wisely. You never know how what you say will change a life.  

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