02/16/22 Foreigners Living among You

READING: Numbers 8:1-9:14, Leviticus 1:1-3:17 

Every time I read through the Old Testament, I’m struck again by the heart of God for the nations. His people were His special possession, but they were to be a kingdom of priests to the nations. They were set apart, peculiar, and uniquely called, but they were to be God’s representative and witness to the nations. As one commentator put it, “They were not to be a people unto themselves, enjoying their special relationship with God and paying no attention to the rest of the world. Rather, they were to represent him to the rest of the world and attempt to bring the rest of the world to him.”*

In today’s reading about offerings in the book of Numbers, the text ends with a reminder that foreigners were invited to follow the God of the Hebrews. If they wanted to celebrate Passover to honor God, they must follow all the stated regulations—but they were nevertheless welcomed. Thus, all the peoples of the world could experience the blessing of the Abrahamic covenant: “All the families on earth will be blessed through you [Abraham]” (Gen 12:3). Indeed, they could participate in the community of faith if they chose to do so; redemption as symbolized in the Passover could be theirs. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much attention do you give to inviting others to follow Christ?    

TODAY’S PRAYER: “God, thank You for Your heart for the nations. Give me the same.”       

TOMORROW’S READING: Leviticus 4:1-6:30

*  Stuart, D. K. (2006). Exodus (Vol. 2, p. 423). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

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