10 Ways to Pray for Refugees and Ministries that Reach Them

The stories of refugees in the war in Ukraine are rightly dominating the news. As of earlier this week, 3 million people have left the country to neighboring countries. This tragic story must grab our attention, but Eastern Europe is not the only place where the numbers of refugees are growing. USA Today last week described several other ongoing refugee crises because of turmoil in Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar, and Democratic Republic of Congo.[i]  

With these issues in mind, I’ve sought to learn ways we might pray for refugees and ministries that reach them. Would you please take a few minutes today and pray for some or all of these prayers? 

  1. Ask God to bring peace to countries and individuals in distressed places. 
  2. Pray for safe travel, available shelter, and adequate food for the refugees.
  3. Pray for believers in these areas to show the love of God to hurting, frightened people. 
  4. Ask God to strengthen those tackling the ongoing, difficult work of refugee ministry—and then raise up more cross-cultural workers who speak these languages to lead additional ministries.
  5. Pray some refugees who likely would not have heard the gospel in their home country might hear it during their journey to safety. 
  6. Ask God to comfort those who have lost loved ones to death or who have left loved ones behind in their home country. 
  7. Pray for mothers who are transporting children to safety—and for fathers who are often staying behind in their country. 
  8. Pray believers around the world—beginning with us—would love refugees among us and minister to them. 
  9. Pray for emotional and spiritual healing from the agonies that refugees often experience.
  10. Ask God to grant wisdom to your local church, your denomination (if applicable), and mission organizations you know as they seek wisdom in ministering in these crises. 

For my Southern Baptist friends (and anyone else seeking a way to minister in this crisis), here’s a place for you and your church to help carry this burden: “God is at work in Ukraine.” 

[i] https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/03/09/refugees-how-help-those-fleeing-ukraine-afghan-syria-sudan/9439665002/

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