7 Bible Stories/Passages that Help Me when My Faith Struggles

We live in a messed-up world that seems to get even crazier every day. I wish I could say that I never struggle with trusting God, but sometimes I have to work harder at it than other times. In those more difficult times, these stories and passages help me:

  1. When I just don’t know what to do, I turn to 2 Chronicles 20, where King Jehoshaphat and his armies are facing three forces allied against them. The king cries out to God, confessing his powerlessness and his cluelessness in the situation. BUT, he concludes his prayer with, “Nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chron 20:12). Those words have been incredibly helpful to me—just keep my eyes on God!
  2. When life feels out of control and God seems distant, I run to Mark 4:35-41. The text is about a literal storm, so I don’t want to push the application too far—but, we do learn that Jesus was fully in control of what alarmed and frightened the disciples. He can rule over storms because He made the wind and the waves. 
  3. When I’m caught in worry, Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:25-34 are my solace. I could focus on all the details of the passage, but three times Jesus said exactly what I need to hear: “Don’t worry” (v. 25), “So don’t worry” (v. 31), and “Therefore, don’t worry” (v. 34). When the Son of God speaks those words, I need to listen—especially when He repeats them because He knows we’re prone to not listening. 
  4. When my heart is breaking for a non-believer, I return to one of the first verses I memorized as a young believer: John 3:16. Back then, the text taught me just how much He loves me. Today, I add to that truth just how much He loves the ones for whom I’m interceding. My responsibility is to tell the gospel, keep praying, and trust God to make Himself known to my family and friends who don’t believe yet. 
  5. When I’m under attack of the enemy, I quote the words of David in 1 Samuel 17:47 and Jahaziel in 2 Chronicles 20:15. David knew that  “the battle is the Lord’s,” and Jahaziel echoed those words: “the battle is not yours, but God’s.” My battle might be intense temptation, inner discouragement, consuming worry, or any other spiritual conflict—but these passages remind me it’s not my battle. The victorious One fights for me. 
  6. When I’m just tired from the work of ministry and the struggle of life, Jesus’ words in Matthew 11:28 still speak to me many years after I first heard and memorized them: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He still invites us to Himself, and He still gives us rest for our souls. 
  7. When I need to trust God’s forgiveness, I run to multiple verses, actually, that tell us how God handles our sin. Check them out at this post—and thank God for His mercy!  

What stories or passages are most helpful to you when your faith struggles?  

1 Comment

  • Susan says:

    When I feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything that’s going on around me, I turn to 1 Kings 19. Elijah had just killed the prophets of Baal and Jezebel had vowed to kill him. God gave Elijah rest and protection and Elijah was strengthened to journey to the mountain of God. There God spoke to him, revealing to Elijah that he was not alone. God had reserved a faithful remnant for himself and had prepared Elisha, a faithful disciple and companion for Elijah.

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