Wednesday Words: James Montgomery Boice on Scripture Meditation

Welcome to the first posting of “Wednesday Words,” a weekly quote or insight I hope will encourage you in the midst of this chaotic world and provide you with a thought or illustration for preaching or teaching this week. Today’s quote is from James Montgomery Boice:

We live in an age of superficiality and spoon-feeding. Consequently, many of today’s Christians think that all a person has to do to be successful in the Christian life is go to church, pay passing attention to the sermon, have a few Christian friends, and go on about their business as one would without these other elements. 

That is why Christians make so little difference in our society. They think like the world, and as a result, they act like the world. Their conduct and the conduct of pagans, apart from the grosser sins, is indistinguishable. What is missing? The missing element is deep, genuine, and persistent meditation on the Word of God. It is only as the Word of God gets into our minds and begins to become part of our normal, day-to-day reasoning and thinking that we begin to act differently and thereby make a difference.

James Montgomery Boice, Joshua (Expositional Commentary), Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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