07/10/22 For He is Good

READING: Psalms 107, 111-114

Do you know the days when you just need reminders of the Lord’s goodness? When the enemy just seems to grab your heart and dig in a bit? I’ve had a few of those days recently, but the Lord is always good to show me something I need to remember to press on. That’s one reason I believe daily Bible reading is important: to skip a single day is to give the enemy opportunity to attack without our putting ourselves in a position to hear God’s answer. 

That’s why Psalm 107 is so helpful to me today. This psalm is a call to thanksgiving, and it particularly addresses the needs of people in anguish for some reason. In fact, the psalmist tells us four times that God stepped into their lives when they cried out to Him: “he rescued them from their distress” (Psa 107:6), “saved them from their distress” (Psa 107:13, 19), and “brought them out of their distress” (Psa 107:28).

Moreover, the verbs and corresponding phrases describing God’s intervention just echo through this psalm. He gathered them, led them, satisfied them, filled them, brought them out of darkness, broke their chains, cut through their iron gates, healed them, and stilled the storm around them. 

So, today on this Lord’s day, here’s what I need to do: “pay attention to these things and consider the Lord’s acts of faithful love” (Psa 107:43) and “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good” (Psa 107:1). 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you need these reminders today?      

DAILY PRAYER: “God, I cry out to You today. I thank You for hearing me.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Psalms 115-118

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