07/19/22 Walking in His Paths

READING: Isaiah 34:1-35:10, Micah 2:1-5:15

Today, I’m thinking about missionaries all around the world. They are giving their lives for the sake of getting the good news of Jesus to the nations. They have moved their families—often to dangerous places—so they might have opportunity to tell others about Christ. Their prayer is that God might glorify Himself by bringing the peoples of the world to Him. 

The prophet Micah describes for us a day when the nations will indeed turn to Him. In that day, many from around the world will make their way to Mount Zion (likely a picture of God’s dwelling among His people) to seek instruction from the Lord. They would, in fact, stream to the city like a river, ever seeking teaching so they might “walk in his paths” (Mic 4:2). They would want to know more so they might walk even more faithfully with Him. 

Within these words is likely the prophet’s rebuke of Israel, a nation not following God fully at the time of Micah. Perhaps, too, there is a rebuke to us when we don’t even think about knowing God more so we might honor His name by walking in His paths. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you walking in the paths of the Lord?            

DAILY PRAYER: “Help me, Lord, to want to know more and follow You more.”

TOMORROW’S READING: Micah 6:1-7:20, 2 Chronicles 32:1-8, 2 Kings 18:13-18, Isaiah 36:1-3, 2  Kings 18:19-37, Isaiah 36:4-22

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