08/12/22 A New Heart

READING: Jeremiah 23:33-24:10, Jeremiah 29:1-31:14

It’s easy to tell my story this way. At age 13, I followed Christ. I was baptized the week after I became a believer. I struggled as a young, undiscipled believer, but I never questioned my salvation. I’ve now served in full-time ministry for more than 40 years, including 14 years as a pastor and 26 as a professor. I’m blessed to have opportunities to preach and teach almost every week. And, I do thank God for all of this. 

Then, though, I read the words of Jeremiah 24 today as the prophet described God’s gracious plan for the very people He had sent into exile: “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the Lord. They will be my people, and I will be their God because they will return to me with all their heart” (Jer 24:7). God in His mercy would turn their hearts to Him, and they would return to Him fully. Their repentance would not come because of their goodness, but because of God’s sovereign grace. Nothing within them could earn the gift of relationship God would give them. 

Likewise, nothing within me, and nothing I have ever accomplished, will ever be enough for me to deserve God’s favor. I am who I am only because He changed my heart. I need to remember that truth today. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Have you thanked God for your new heart today?  

DAILY PRAYER: “Thank You, God, for allowing me to be one of Your children.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Jeremiah 31:15-40, Jeremiah 49:34-51:14

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