10/02/22 Praying for Those Who Hurt You 

READING: Mark 3:7-19, Luke 6:12-16, Matthew 5:1-12, Luke 6:17-26, Matthew 5:13-48, Luke 6:27-36, Matthew 6:1-4

It’s really hard sometimes to live up to Christ’s demands. Were it not for the indwelling presence of the Spirit, in fact, we could not do what He requires. I think of that truth when I read these words in today’s text in the Gospel of Luke: “Pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:28). 

Jesus spoke these words in the context of calling His followers to a much higher level of living than the folks in the crowds—including the religious leaders of the day—would have ever expected. It surely seemed strange to them to consider loving their enemies, doing good to them, blessing them, and even praying for them. Jesus and Stephen later modeled this kind of praying (Luke 23:34, Acts 7:60), and so must we. 

So, on this Lord’s day, I challenge you, and I challenge myself, to do something in preparation for worship: pray for the person(s) you least want to pray for today because they’ve mistreated you. Pray God’s grace for them. I suspect you’ll experience much more focus and blessing in worship today because you’ve done what Jesus commanded.

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Who is that person you least want to pray for today?     

DAILY PRAYER: “God, I do pray for ______________. Grant grace today for Your glory and for their good.” 

TOMORROW’S READING: Matthew 6:5-7:6, Luke 6:37-42, Matthew 7:7-20, Luke 6:43-45, Matthew 7:21-29, Luke 6:46-49

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