01/09/23 Answered Prayer Again

READING: Genesis 25-27

His father had prayed for Abimelech, and the barren women in his household consequently bore children. His father’s servant had prayed for him to find a wife. Now, it was Isaac, son of Abraham, praying for his wife, Rebekah, because she was barren—and “the Lord was receptive to his prayer” (Gen 25:21). God kept His covenant promises that through Isaac would come offspring “as numerous as the stars of the sky” (Gen 26:4). Indeed, the powerful words, “The Lord was receptive to his prayer, and his wife Rebekah conceived” cannot fully capture the mystery and majesty behind a prayer-answering God. 

A father prayed, and his son prayed, too. A father built altars, and his son built an altar as well. Both also lied about their spouses, but still they each called on the name of the Lord.  Both had to, as one writer put it, “depend upon God to intervene to keep the promise he made to Abraham in 12:2” (“I will make you into a great nation . . .”).* 

May it be that generations who follow us would, too, turn to Lord, depend on Him, and worship Him!

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Among the next generations, who will walk more with God because of your witness?   

DAILY PRAYER: “God, let me walk with You so others see You in me.” 

MONDAY’S READING: Genesis 28-30

*Reyburn, W. D., & Fry, E. M. (1998). A handbook on Genesis (p. 578). United Bible Societies.

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