Hear these words from Andrew Murray, who wrote much about prayer (primarily in the 19th century) that is still relevant and fresh today. For Murray, Jesus delights in interceding for us and teaching us to intercede for others:
“None can teach like Jesus, none but Jesus; therefore we call on Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ A pupil needs a teacher, who knows his work, who has the gift of teaching, who in patience and love will descend to the pupil’s needs. Blessed be God! Jesus is all this and much more. He knows what prayer is. It is Jesus, praying Himself, who teaches to pray. He knows what prayer is. He learned it amid the trials and tears of His earthly life. In heaven it is still His beloved work: His life there is prayer. Nothing delights Him more than to find those whom He can take with Him into the Father’s presence, whom He can clothe with power to pray down God’s blessing on those around them, whom He can train to be His fellow-workers in the intercession by which the kingdom is to be revealed on earth.”
Andrew Murray, Lord, Teach Us To Pray (Kindle Locations 54-60). Kindle Edition.