07/01/23 Saturday Prayer Challenge

Here’s a prayer challenge for pastors today:

A pastor must not only preach; he must also pray regularly from the pulpit for the work of the gospel overseas. This instructs the hearts of his people as they hear that God’s kingdom is about more than just “our group.” It exposes their minds to God’s vast global plan. Such prayer reminds them each Sunday that Jesus is Lord of the people of Tobago and Uzbekistan and Bhutan as well as their home town. . . . Such prayer can do more than you may imagine to expand the hearts of a congregation.

Johnson, Andy. Missions: 9 (9marks: Building Healthy Churches) (p. 80). Crossway. Kindle Edition.


Andy Johnson, Missions: 9 (9marks: Building Healthy Churches) (p. 80). Crossway. Kindle Edition.

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