READING: Jeremiah 32-35
Over the years of my pastoral ministry, I’ve walked beside believers who’ve faced all kinds of issues. For example, I think of those who dealt with things like terminal illness, struggling marriages, job loss, wayward children, career confusion, financial worries, loved ones’ deaths, natural disasters, spiritual doubt, uncontrolled anger, pornography addiction, dating concerns, relational conflict, church membership questions, ethical dilemmas, etc., etc. I know I could list enough issues that it could quickly become overwhelming to me, were it not for words like we find in today’s reading: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jer 32:27). Is, indeed, anything too hard for God?
God is so strong that He could raise up Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, to bring judgment on His people for their rebellion; He could orchestrate the events of nations to accomplish whatever judgment He wished to accomplish. At the same time, He is so strong that He could also bring His people back from their exile at the appropriate time.
It is truly the case that nothing is too hard for God.
Nothing—including whatever you are dealing with today.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: Are you facing anything today that has made you wonder if God can take care of it?
PRAYER: “Father, nothing is too hard for You. Praise the Lord!”
TOMORROW’S READING: Jeremiah 36-38
*Some of this devotion was first published in 2017.