10/20/23 A Jesus Difference

READING: Mark 5-7

Read the first description of the man, and you get a sense of just how out of control his life was: “He lived in the tombs, and no one was able to restrain him anymore—not even with a chain—because he often had been bound with shackles and chains, but had torn the chains apart and smashed the shackles. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and on the mountains, he was always crying out and cutting himself with stones” (Mark 5:3-5). I can just hear him breaking the chains and calling out in the darkness—perhaps at the same time. His life was surely separation and despair.

Then, Jesus showed up in his life . . . .

Within a single conversation, Jesus cast out this man’s demons and changed his world. Once, the man’s world was chaos. Now, he was “sitting there, dressed and in his right mind” (Mark 5:15)—and the difference is that Jesus had come by. Nobody else could have done what the Son of God did. Even today, He still dramatically changes lives. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you need Jesus to change some area of your life today?   

PRAYER: “God, change me. Free me.” 


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