11/08/23 Everything I Ever Did

READING: John 4-6

It was, it seems to me, a strange way to evangeiize. The woman who had met Jesus at the well returned to her region and spoke these words to the people: “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did” (John 4:29). If this were the approach taken toward me when I was a non-believer, I’m not sure those words would have compelled me to Jesus. I doubt I would not have wanted to meet someone who could tell me everything I had ever done. 

So, why were this woman’s words powerful enough that some of the Samaritans believed on their basis? Surely, the woman was saying with her words, “Come, see a man who knows everything I’ve ever done—and many of those things have not been good—but He gave me living water anyway!” Likely an outcast from her culture because of her sordid life, she found something in the man at the well who gave her time, focus, and grace even as He pointed out her wrong. He knew the details of Her life, yet He offered her something so fulfilling that she would never thirst again. 

Jesus knows us that way, too. And, He loves us anyway. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Have you considered the depth of God’s love and grace lately?  

PRAYER: “Thank You, God, for living water You offer to people who don’t deserve to drink.” 


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