12/15/23 Divine Intersections

READING: 1 Timothy 5-6, 2 Timothy 1-4, Titus 1

I often speak of “divine intersections” that God creates so our lives might pass the path of others. Paul’s relationship with Timothy was one of those intersections, and 2 Timothy 3:10-17 helps us see that relationship in more light. First, Timothy’s foundation was the Word of God. He learned and followed the Word that showed him what to believe, reproved him when he went astray, corrected him to put him back on the right track, and showed him how to live righteously. 

Second, he learned that foundation from his family. We don’t know about his father (and the silence there suggests his father was not pivotal in his spiritual upbringing), but we do know his mother and grandmother invested in him spiritually (2 Tim. 1:5). Especially when the father is also involved, that’s the way God intends it to be: we first learn matters of faith at the feet of our parents. 

Third, God still gave Timothy a mentor — a man of God who walked beside Timothy, not replacing but complementing the work of Timothy’s family. Thus, Paul simply strengthened what Timothy’s family had already given him. He did so, though, in a deep relationship with Timothy. He counted Timothy as his “dearly loved son” (2 Tim. 1:2), and he and Timothy shared life together — everything from the pain of persecution to the joy of victory. As Timothy watched Paul, he learned about such things as faith, patience, love, and endurance. 

God created this divine connection so both men would follow Him even more fully. He still does the same today. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Who is your mentor? Your mentee?

PRAYER: “Father, give me a Paul and a Timothy in my life.”

MONDAY’S READING:  Titus 2-3, Philemon, Hebrews 1-5

*portions first published in 2015

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