One-year plan: Genesis 24-25, Matthew 8:14-9:8
Two-year plan: Genesis 13-14, Matthew 5:17-30
Today’s Old Testament reading includes the story of Abraham’s servant seeking a wife for Isaac. In particular, in the words of one author, the account “highlights how God controls events so that, after a long journey from Canaan to northern Mesopotamia, Abraham’s servant is guided to Rebekah.”* Abraham believed that the “Lord, the God of heaven” (Gen 24:7) would direct the servant to Isaac’s bride-to-be. Likewise, the servant sought God’s guidance through prayer. All he could then do was fall before the Lord and worship Him when He answered that prayer. It’s all quite amazing, actually.
I suspect that many of us today could speak of God’s guiding us to find the spouse that has so blessed our lives. We can’t often speak of the miraculous in the same way the book of Genesis describes the story of Abraham, his servant, Isaac, and Rebekah, but we can describe events God orchestrated to make relational connections that have changed our lives. We can speak of God’s undeniable intervention in our lives. I, for example, can testify of God’s working through two church secretaries to bring Pam and me together in a time when both of us had found peace about our singleness if that were the Lord’s will. The Lord had other plans, though—and He worked through the events of our lives to accomplish that plan.
PERSONAL REFLECTION: How has the Lord worked in mighty ways in your life?
PRAYER: “God, thank You for those You send across my path to change my life.”
One-year plan: Genesis 26-27, Matthew 9:9-38
Two-year plan: Genesis 15-16, Matthew 5:31-42
*Crossway Bibles. (2008). The ESV Study Bible (p. 90). Crossway Bibles.