01/17/24 Giving Account for Our Words


One-year plan: Genesis 36-38, Matthew 12:22-50

Two-year plan: Genesis 21:22-22:24, Matthew 7:7-23


Words. Seldom do we understand the power in them, and I’m amazed by how flippantly we use them sometimes. 

Too often, we give ourselves permission to be thoughtless in our language, somehow convinced that our ungodly jokes or unkind criticisms don’t weaken our witness. “It really doesn’t matter,” we think, “I didn’t mean anything by what I said.” Further, our words are sometimes simply careless and useless, carrying no real sense of significance. Judged by our words, we live in the realm of the superficial and the temporary rather than the eternal. For that kind of lifestyle, we will give account.

On the other hand, our godly words reflect a heart focused on God. I still remember words from my fathers in the faith who have challenged me to pray more passionately and to proclaim the gospel more widely. These men honor God with their words; in fact, I have never heard my spiritual heroes say anything off-color or glib. They praise God rather than commend themselves, honor others rather than criticize them, and speak the gospel rather than broadcast insignificant words. Likewise, they continually tell others about Jesus. That’s the way I want to live, knowing I will answer to God for my words. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: What do your words reveal about you?         

PRAYER: “God, help me to speak only that which honors You.” 


One-year plan: Genesis 39:1-41:36, Matthew 13:1-30

Two-year plan: Genesis 23:1-24:20, Matthew 7-24-8:13

*some portions first published in 2017

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