03/25/24 Sun, Moon, and Stars


One-year plan: Deuteronomy 14-17, Luke 1:67-2:20

Two-year plan: Exodus 38:21-39:43, Matthew 26:1-16


In today’s Old Testament reading, we find these words of warning: God’s judgment would fall on those who have “gone to serve other gods by bowing in worship to the sun, moon, or all the stars in the sky—which I have forbidden” (Deut 17:3).  Apparently, some believed that the stars and planets were themselves divine beings (or at least a representation of that perceived being). 

Frankly, I can understand why the ancients peered into the sky and saw something quite beyond themselves. I use a telescope to look into the night skies, and the images I see are riveting. Even today, many people in North America (including me) are looking forward to seeing the mysterious and magnificent complete solar eclipse in a couple weeks. The planets and moon have caught our attention. 

At the same time, though, I’m reminded of this fundamental truth today: there is a Creator behind all the glory of creation, and He—not that which He created—is worthy of worship. We look to the planets and the stars to see His creative power, and in the skies we recognize His beauty. We must not, though, let creation become our god. Indeed, I grieve today for the many people around the world who still do worship creation rather than the Creator. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you recognize God’s glory in creation without worshiping that creation?  

PRAYER: “God, I commit to worship You alone.” 


One-year plan: Deuteronomy 18-21, Luke 2:21-52

Two-year plan: Exodus 40, Matthew 26:17-30

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