12 Repeated Reminders that Ought to Ease Our Worries

I admit that I can be a worrier. I know better, though, so I must continually return to the Word for guidance. This week, in fact, I’ve focused much on Philippians 4:6 as I seek to give my concerns to the Lord. In my Scripture and commentary study, a repeated, obvious, significant correction to worry quickly became evident—and perhaps this repetition will grant you peace today if you are worrying: 

  1. “The answer to anxiety is prayer.”[i]
  2. “Anxiety or worry doesn’t accomplish anything, but prayer does (Jas. 5:16).”[ii]
  3. “Paul said to take all the energy that is used in worrying and put it into prayer. This includes praying about everything. No request is too small, difficult, or inconsequential to God.”[iii]
  4. “Talking to God about everything that concerns us and Him is the first step toward victory over worry.”[iv]
  5. “Prayer is the antidote for anxiety.”[v]
  6. “What then is the alternative to worry? How does one gain and keep one’s equilibrium in a world heaving with anxiety-creating situations? Paul’s answer: by prayer.”[vi]
  7. “The proper antidote for anxiety is the outpouring of the heart to God.[vii]
  8. “We may be freed from all fretful care and feverish anxiety because we may refer all our distresses and problems to God in prayer.”[viii]
  9. “Anxious care is out of place in a heavenly Father’s presence. Requests are always in place with Him.”[ix]
  10. “Believers who carry their burdens to the Lord will find peace and rest in their spirits.”[x]
  11. “We can commit all our concerns to the Lord. We will still care deeply about those things we pray for. But because we know God hears and cares too, we can care without being anxious.”[xi]
  12. “J. A. Bengel was right to insist that anxiety and genuine prayer are more opposed to each other than fire and water. I have yet to meet a chronic worrier who enjoys an excellent prayer life.”[xii]

Here is what all these writers remind me today: my praying must trump my worrying; my cries to God must drown out the cries of my heart. It’s really that simple. 

[i] Kent, H. A., Jr. (1981). Philippians. In F. E. Gaebelein (Ed.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Ephesians through Philemon (Vol. 11, p. 152). Zondervan Publishing House.

[ii] Anders, M. (1999). Galatians-Colossians (Vol. 8, p. 261). Broadman & Holman Publishers.

[iii] Barton, B. B., & Comfort, P. W. (1995). Philippians, Colossians, Philemon (p. 115). Tyndale House Publishers.

[iv] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 2, p. 95). Victor Books.

[v] Hoehner, H. W., Comfort, P. W., & Davids, P. H. (2008). Cornerstone biblical commentary: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians, Philemon. (Vol. 16, p. 215). Tyndale House Publishers.

[vi] Hawthorne, G. F. (2004). Philippians (Vol. 43, p. 245). Word, Incorporated.

[vii] Hendriksen, W., & Kistemaker, S. J. (1953–2001). Exposition of Philippians (Vol. 5, p. 195). Baker Book House.

[viii] Martin, R. P. (1987). Philippians: An Introduction and Commentary (Vol. 11, p. 175). InterVarsity Press.

[ix] Wuest, K. S. (1997). Wuest’s word studies from the Greek New Testament: for the English reader (Vol. 5, p. 110). Eerdmans.

[x] Ellsworth, R. (2004). Opening up Philippians (p. 84). Day One Publications.

[xi] Richards, L. O. (1991). The Bible reader’s companion (electronic ed., p. 809). Victor Books.

[xii] Carson, D. A.. Basics for Believers: The Core of Christian Faith and Life (p. 141). Baker 

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