07/10/24 “Christian”


One-year plan: Ezra 6-8, Acts 11

Two-year plan: Joshua 10, Luke 7:31-50


Today’s New Testament reading reminds us that it was at Antioch that the early believers were first called “Christians.” The term may have originally been a derisive one that outsiders used of this sect. At the same time, though, it may well have indicated that others were beginning to recognize believers as distinct from Judaism—as followers of Jesus who lived differently than others. Somehow, others saw something in them and heard something from them that connected them with Christ. They were, after all, to imitate their Lord.

This story raises a number of self-evaluation questions for me. For example, . . . 

  • Do others see something different in the way I live – even if they don’t always yet understand what the “something” is? 
  • Do others who do have some knowledge of Christ see Jesus living through me? 
  • Would I willingly identify as a Christian even if the cost of following Him were to be great? 
  • Would I be okay if others knew me as “Christian,” but they did not remember my name; that is, do I carry the identifier “Christian” so willingly that it’s only His name that I want to be remembered? 

I am reminded there’s always so much room to grow in our Christian walk as God conforms us to the image of His Son (Rom 8:29). 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do others see Christ in you?     

DAILY PRAYER: “God, help me to imitate Your Son.”


One-year plan: Ezra 9-10, Nehemiah 1-2, Acts 12

Two-year plan: Joshua 11-12, Luke 8:1-8

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