07/17/24 Beginning and the End


One-year plan: Nehemiah 11-13, Acts 15:6-41

Two-year plan: Joshua 16-18, Luke 9:1-9


Nehemiah began his work in prayer (Neh. 1:4), grieving over the condition of the fallen holy city. He prayed to God before he asked the king’s assistance (Neh. 2:5). He prayed spontaneously whenever petition and intercession were in order. He worked hard and challenged the people to work hard, asking God to remember his “deeds of faithful love” (Neh. 13:14, 22). In the end, he knew he still needed God’s blessing on him: “Remember me, my God, with favor” (Neh. 13:31). 

Thus, the book begins in prayer and ends in prayer, and it includes prayer in between (in fact, scholars see as many as fourteen references to prayer in the book). Nehemiah is remembered for building a wall, but it might be best to remember him as a man of prayer whom God used to build a wall. Were God ever to use me to build something significant, I pray I would not be remembered for the structure; I would be remembered for seeking God’s help and direction. The only way that would happen is if I learn to pray before I start something, pray while I’m doing it, pray again when it’s finished, and just keep praying. 

I want the bookends of Nehemiah’s story to be the bookends of my life, too. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: How much does prayer mark your life?       

DAILY PRAYER: “God, give me the prayerful heart of Nehemiah.”


One-year plan: Esther 1-4, Acts 16:1-34

Two-year plan: Joshua 19, Luke 9:10-27

*first published in 2018

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