11/12/24 A Reminder of a Great High Priest


One-year plan: Jeremiah 40-44, Hebrews 3:7-4:16

Two-year plan: 2 Kings 17:24-18:37, John 11:45-57


Sometimes we just need reminders as we follow God. So . . .

We have a great high priest. 

He sympathizes with our weaknesses. He knows what we experience.

He was tempted in all ways like we are, yet without sinning. He did not succumb to the enemy’s arrows. 

He welcomes us coming to his throne of grace with confidence—with a sense of boldness and honesty. Through Christ the King, we can approach God with no barriers that get in the way. 

He grants us mercy and grace at the time of our need. He always takes care of us at just the right time, extending to us “mercy [which] is the remission of deserved judgment, grace [that] is the supply of undeserved blessing.”*

It’s no wonder, then, that the writer of Hebrews challenges us to come before the throne of God again and again and again. God welcomes our presence as the good Father who has given us the gift of His Spirit (Luke 11:13). To ignore this privilege—that is, to be prayerless, to not come to Him—is to ignore the resources God offers us. Frankly, that choice makes little sense – and sometimes we need that reminder. 

PERSONAL REFLECTION: Do you again and again seek God in prayer?             

DAILY PRAYER: “Father, thank You for allowing us to come to Your throne of grace. You are a sweet God.”     


One-year plan: Jeremiah 45-48, Hebrews 5-6

Two-year plan: 2 Kings 19, John 12:1-19

*Stedman, R. C. (1992). Hebrews (Heb 4:14–16). IVP Academic.

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