Sunday Prayer Challenge

I have spent the last week with many Christians serving overseas. Among the crowd were dozens of little ones growing up cross-culturally. Take time…

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Preparation for Worship this Weekend

Joshua 3:5 “Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, because the Lord will do wonders among you tomorrow.’”  Get your heart ready today for what God might do tomorrow…

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07/19/24 Distressed

READING: One-year plan: Esther 5-10, Acts 16:35-17:21 Two-year plan: Joshua 20:1-21:33, Luke 9:28-43 ——– I doubt most believers—beginning with me—get stressed at the reality…

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15 Leaders Who Worry Me

None of us is a perfect leader. I’m certainly not. For that reason, I’m always hesitant to critique leaders. Nevertheless, leadership is so important…

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07/18/24 Unusual Happenings

READING: One-year plan: Esther 1-4, Acts 16:1-34 Two-year plan: Joshua 19, Luke 9:10-27 ———- There’s much that challenges me in today’s New Testament reading….

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Thursday Encouragement: Hope

Need some hope today? Listen to these words of J.I. Packer: “New Testament Christianity is a religion of hope, a faith that looks forward….

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07/17/24 Beginning and the End

READING: One-year plan: Nehemiah 11-13, Acts 15:6-41 Two-year plan: Joshua 16-18, Luke 9:1-9 ———- Nehemiah began his work in prayer (Neh. 1:4), grieving over…

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07/16/24 Verbs

READING: One-year plan: Nehemiah 9-10, Acts 14:8-15:5 Two-year plan: Joshua 15:20-63, Luke 8:40-56 ——— Today, I’m struck by verbs. I realize that statement might…

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