07/15/24 With All Their Being

READING: One-year plan: Nehemiah 7-8, Acts 13:42-14:7 Two-year plan: Joshua 14:1-15:19, Luke 8:22-39 ——– Ezra brought the book of the Law to the people…

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07/12/24 Pray and Prepare

READING: One-year plan: Nehemiah 3-6, Acts 13:1-41 Two-year plan: Joshua 13, Luke 8:9-21 ———- The enemies of the people of God were frustrated when…

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12 Things Older People Bring to a Young Church

I’m 56 years old, so I’m not that old – but I am older than the majority of people in our church in Wake Forest. Our church doesn’t do this at all, but too many younger churches fail to recognize what older people bring to a congregation.

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07/11/24 Trusting Either Way

READING: One-year plan: Ezra 9-10, Nehemiah 1-2, Acts 12 Two-year plan: Joshua 11-12, Luke 8:1-8 ———- Sometimes it’s hard to understand the way God…

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