04/09/24 Jesus’ Question

READING: One-year plan: Joshua 19-21, Luke 9:1-27 Two-year plan: Leviticus 14:33-15:33, Mark 1:1-13 ———- “For what does it benefit someone if he gains the…

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04/08/24 Healing and Calm

READING: One-year plan: Joshua 15:13-18:28, Luke 8:26-56 Two-year plan: Leviticus 13:47-14:32, Matthew 28 ——— He had been living among the tombs for some time….

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Sunday Prayer Challenge

Pray this prayer before you go to church today: “Father, I want to hear Your voice through Your Word and Your Spirit today. Give…

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04/05/24 Follow the Lord

READING: One-year plan: Joshua 12:1-15:12, Luke 8:1-25 Two-year plan: Leviticus 13:1-46, Matthew 27:57-66 ——– It is important that we continually check our hearts, see…

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04/04/24 Go in Peace

READING: One-year plan: Joshua 9-11, Luke 7:18-50 Two-year plan: Leviticus 11-12, Matthew 27:45-56 ——— Here were Jesus’ words to the unnamed woman who washed…

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04/03/24 Just Obey

READING: One-year plan: Joshua 5-8, Luke 6:37-7:17 Two-year plan: Leviticus 9-10, Matthew 27:27-44 ———- It’s easy to read today’s Old Testament passage in Joshua…

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