8 Ways to Pray for Easter Weekend Events

I fear that many churches plan for weeks (or months) for Easter weekend, but then pray for only minutes over the weekend’s events. To counter this tendency, I encourage you to use this list to lead your congregation to pray with intentionality and direction through the rest of this week. 

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03/27/18 Signs

READING: Judges 6-9 “Show me a sign that it is you who speak with me.” Judges 6:17 Sometimes, I’m amazed again by the grace of…

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7 Ways Churches Limit Transfer Growth into Their Congregation

If you haven’t heard the term, “transfer growth” occurs when church members move their membership from one church to another. Of course, there are times when this kind of growth is legitimate growth. At the same time, though, transfer growth can be problematic.

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03/26/18 Rebellion

READING: Judges 2-5 “And they abandoned the Lord.” Judges 2:12 These chapters of the book of Judges are filled with patterns of rebellion. Indeed, these words…

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7 Words of Advice to Single Adults

Pam and I were older when we married (both in our 30’s). Consequently, I’ve always been committed to ministering to/with single adults. Here are a few words of advice for singles in our churches. 

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03/25/18 Only One Generation

READING: Joshua 24 “Choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15 I read these words about Joshua’s ministry, and I at first want my…

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03/24/18 He Did It All

READING: Joshua 23-24, Judges 1 “Then I brought your fathers out of Egypt.” Joshua 24:6 Today is one of those days when it might be…

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