03/20/16 King, or Not?

READING: Judges 8-9 Sometimes we get it right one minute, but then completely mess it up the next.  That’s what Gideon did. After he led…

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Saturday Suggestions: March 19, 2016

Here are some suggested readings for believers this week: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Six Ways We Ignore Unchurched Guests on Easter by Ryan Stigile This important post…

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03/19/16 The Weakest among Them

READING: Judges 6-7 Everything in this devotional today is counter-cultural. God’s people had once again turned from Him, and He had once again allowed an enemy —…

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03/17/16 We Forget . . . Again

READING: Judges 1-2 We’ve heard this truth before in our readings this year. Today, we hear it again. Perhaps the Word includes it again because…

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03/15/16 Summaries of Praise

READING: Joshua 19-22 Well . . . More land. More territories. More names. More inheritances. More cities. And then this powerful summary statement at the end…

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