10/30/15 Keep on Praying

READING:  Luke 18 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Is prayer ever difficult for you? As much as I believe in prayer, I confess that sometimes it’s tough to stay diligent and…

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10/29/15 Jesus Wept

READING:  John 11 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Lazarus was dead. He had been dead for four days. His family and friends wept. Jesus was on the scene — but…

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10/27/15 Returning Thanks

READING:  Luke 16–17 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  God has been very good to me, yet I suspect I’m not nearly as grateful as I should be. Even when I am…

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10/27/15 Time to Party!

READING:  Luke 14-15 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I’ve always been amazed by how much we celebrate the birth of a baby and how little we celebrate the re-birth…

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10/26/15 Depart from Me

READING: Luke 12-13 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  My heart is alarmed today, but not because I face any great trial or opposition. It’s not because my wife and I are…

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10/25/15 In His Time

READING: Luke 10-11, John 10:22-42 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Are you perhaps struggling today with God’s timing? I am reminded today of the rightness of His timing, though perhaps…

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10/24/15 The Good Shepherd

READING: John 9:1-10:21 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Repetition matters in the Bible. It catches the reader’s attention and directs him to important themes. Note the repetition in…

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10/23/15 You Are Not from God

READING: John 7-8 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  When Jesus challenged the Jews to follow Him, they claimed their bloodline to Abraham as assurance of their “rightness” before God. Jesus not…

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