09/15/15 Integrity

READING: Daniel 4-6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading includes the story of Daniel in the lion’s den. King Darius (regretfully) sent the prophet there when…

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09/14/15 “But If Not…”

READING: Daniel 1-3 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Sometimes, the stories we learned early in Sunday school become more than just exciting stories when we’re adults; instead, they become stories…

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09/12/15 Yahweh is There

READING: Ezekiel 46-48 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  “Yahweh is There.” Those are the last English words of the book of Ezekiel. God would bring destruction on the city…

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12 Ways Churches “Welcome Guests”

This post is as much a survey as it is a report. Over the last decade, our church consulting “spies” have reported numerous ways they are “recognized” as guests in a worship service.

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09/11/15 Consequences

READING: Ezekiel 44-45 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  We don’t often think about it at the time of commission, but our sin is costly. The consequences of…

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09/10/15 Trembling, or Skipping?

READING: Ezekiel 42-43 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Ezekiel’s description of the contrast could not be more dramatic. In judgment, the glory of the Lord departed from the…

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