09/09/15 Living with Eternity in Mind

READING: Ezekiel 40-41 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  These chapters begin Ezekiel’s vision of the new Temple in a future messianic kingdom. It’s the longest recorded vision…

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09/08/15 Jealous for Holiness?

READING: Ezekiel 38-39 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  We’ve seen these themes throughout Ezekiel. God brought judgment on His people, hiding His face from them for their…

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09/07/15 It’s Not About Me

READING: Ezekiel 35-37 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  It’s easy to think today about all the blessings God has given me. Salvation. My wife. A home. A job. Health. Opportunities. Food….

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09/06/15 God the Good Shepherd

READING: Ezekiel 32-34 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  I remember the first time I heard the image that God is our shepherd. The sermon went like this: “We’re a bunch of dumb…

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09/05/15 For I Have Spoken

READING: Ezekiel 28-31 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Today’s reading focuses on God’s judgment on the nations, including Tyre, Sidon, Egypt, and Assyria. Within these four chapters,…

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