10/22/15 Do Whatever It Takes

READING: Matthew 18 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  How hard do you and I work to eradicate sin from our lives? The words of Matthew 18:8-10 sound much…

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10/20/15 Out of the Same Mouth

READING: Matthew 16, Mark 8, Luke 9:18-27 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  Yesterday’s devotion was a reminder that our words reflect our heart. Today’s devotion takes us…

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10/19/15 Out of Our Mouth

READING: Matthew 15, Mark 7 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  If you were to walk with me non-stop for the next seven days, how much would you know about my…

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10/18/15 We Shall Live Forever

READING: John 6 TEXTS AND APPLICATION:  This past week was the third anniversary of my dad’s passing away. You might know that we prayed for…

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Evaluating Your Church’s Exterior

Beyond the church’s website, the first thing I see about your church is its exterior – and I will likely form impressions about your church as soon as I arrive.

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