Why Spouses Should Pray Together Each Day

According to Ephesians 5, Christian marriage is a picture of the way Christ loves the church. While the implications of this picture are many, at a minimum it calls me to pray for my spouse even as Jesus prayed for His church.

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07/28/15 Living in a Backwards Way

READING: 2 Kings 18:9-19:37; Psalm 46, 80, 135 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: What most catches my attention in these chapters (largely related to Hezekiah’s reign over Judah)…

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07/27/15 Weeping over the Nations

READING: Isaiah 44-48 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: I think today about the billions of people around the world who worship idols. While we in North America often…

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07/26/15 The Wonder of It All

READING: Isaiah 40-43 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Sometimes you read the Word, and the truths just come to life. They stop us in our tracks and re-direct…

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07/25/15 Because You Prayed

READING: Isaiah 37-39: Psalm 76 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Do you believe that prayer makes a difference? Isaiah 37-39 are filled with evidence that prayer matters.  First, King…

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The Devil and Leaders

I write this post with some hesitance. I have studied spiritual warfare for many years, and I don’t want to suggest that the devil should be our role model for anything. On the other hand, it seems to me that the devil is, in some ways, a more effective leader than many leaders today.

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07/22/15 The Cry of Exile

READING: Isaiah 28-30 TEXTS AND APPLICATION: Do you find yourself feeling like you’re in exile today — distant from God, wandering without peace?  Today’s reading in Isaiah…

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