02/26/16 On the Other Side of the River

READING: Numbers 35-36

We have now come to the end of the book of Numbers. This book concludes with this simple statement that summarizes its contents: “These are the commands and regulations the Lord gave through Moses to the Israelites on the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho” (Num 36:13). Note these summary truths, all of which speak to us today: 

  1. It is the Lord who gave the commands of this book to His people. Moses may have been the primary spokesperson, but God was the One who wrote the message. Moses’ relationship with God was, of course, unique, but God still works essentially the same way today: He uses messengers to proclaim His Word, yet He’s the One who breathed the Word through men carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21). 
  2. God still uses messengers. That’s quite astounding to me, actually. That God chooses to use people like me to proclaim His Word is a fact I find hard to believe. Frankly, I know myself well enough to wonder if I would use me if I were God . . . . 
  3. God is always leading His people toward His future. He gave the Israelites these commands and regulations while they were in the plains of Moab, but life awaited on the other side of the river. Taking that land would not be easy — it would involve war, in fact — but God would be their warrior. What God has for us yet to come is always best. That’s one reason we have to trust Him today, even when today is tough.  
  4. God’s Word still speaks to us. We’ve spent weeks now reading the book of Numbers. It’s not always the most exciting reading, but it’s all God’s Word. God takes it, speaks to us, challenges us, and transforms us. We who have full access to His Word are blessed, indeed. 

ACTION STEPS: Consider these steps:

  • Thank God for His Word. All of it.  
  • Regardless of where your life is today, thank God for whatever plan He has for your future. Pray these words with Jesus, “Not my will, but Yours be done” today and in the future.    
  • If you're a teacher of the Word, thank God for that privilege.  

PRAYER: “God, You are gracious to give us Your Word. Thank You that Your Word speaks to our today while also challenging us to trust You with the future. You are a good God.”  

TOMORROW’S READING:  Deuteronomy 1-2


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