05/20/16 Building the Altar First

READING: Ezra 1-3 

If you were growing a church, where would you begin?  Perhaps the book of Ezra, a book about the return of the exiles from Babylon, has an answer.

When the people returned, the first thing they built was “the altar of the God of Israel to sacrifice burnt offerings on it” (Ezra 3:2). Any other building would take place after the sacrificial system had been reinstated. Apparently, worship according to the law of Moses was a first priority. 

In fact, the people continued building the altar even after enemies in the land — those opposed to the rebuilding — struck fear in them. Their commitment to re-build did not eradicate their fear, but it did trump that fear: “despite their fear of the peoples around them, they built the altar on its foundation” (2 Chron 3:3).  

We’re wise to hear these words. In all cases, our commitment to worship God with our entire being must take priority. We live in a frightening world, one that is filled with enemies of the work of God. Many brothers and sisters around the world face these realities every day. I suspect that the day will come in the United States when we, too, may have to decide whether to follow God or succumb to fear caused by the enemy. Our choice must be to worship God, regardless of the cost. Faith and obedience must trump fear. 


  • Thank God for the freedom to worship Him.  
  • Pray for global believers who must make life-and-death worship decisions often.      

PRAYER: God, I sing to You today the words of the people when they laid the foundation of the Temple: ‘He is good; his love toward [us] endures forever.’”  



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