A Spurgeon Prayer for All Churches this Weekend

Would you join me, and invite others to join us, in praying this Charles Spurgeon prayer for churches all around the globe? 

Look down upon the great assemblies of this morning all over the world, and let Thine eye of tenderness rest here. Thou seest here many that love Thee—may we love Thee more! Thou seest many that live by the life of God—oh, life of God, live in us to the full! Thou seest also, we fear, some that are declining from Thy ways, in whom grace is but a flickering light. Lord, trim the lamps; bring back the wanderers; for there is no joy but in God. And perhaps, nay, we fear it must be so, that Thou seest in this throng, ungodly ones, careless and indifferent. Oh, sword of the Lord, pierce them through, that carelessness may be slain, that their souls may live.*

*Charles Spurgeon (2011-09-02), The Pastor in Prayer (p. 18). Primedia eLaunch. Kindle Edition. 


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