11/01/18 By Name

READING: Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20-21

“But go, tell his disciples and Peter . . .”

Mark 16:7

I’m always struck by the words of Mark 16:7– “But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see him there just as he told you.’”The angel made it clear that Peter – the fisherman who had denied knowing Jesus – was still in Jesus’ care. Peter had fallen hard and far, but he had not fallen so far that Jesus did not know where he was. Jesus kept His eyes on Peter even when Peter locked his own eyes on himself.

The words are most amazing to me because of what many scholars believe – that Mark’s Gospel is Peter’s recollections given to Mark. If so, I can just imagine Peter, having already told the agonizing details of his own denial, now speaking these words: “Mark, let me tell you what happened next. The angel spoke to the women, and he said to go tell the disciples that resurrected Jesus was going to Galilee. And, Mark, then guess what he did? The angel called me by name! He named me! I had said I didn’t know Jesus, but He still knew me!” I can just hear the voice of humility and gratitude in the fisherman who had been brought low by his sin.

Our Redeemer is a gracious, compassionate, loving, merciful, glorious, powerful, majestic, forgiving, patient Lord who doesn’t forget our names. To Him be the glory! 


  • Be grateful that you cannot go where God cannot see you.
  • Thank God that He knows your name.

PRAYER: “God, Your forgiveness is unbelievable. Thank You.”

TOMORROW’S READING:  Acts 1-4, Psalm 110





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